Most of us feel compassion for our close friends when they are struggling. What would it be like to receive the same caring attention from yourself when you needed it most? All that's required is a shift in attention - recognizing that as a human being, you, too are a worthy recipient of compassion.
The SC-MSC Program draws on the skills of mindfulness and focuses on developing the resource of self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional well-being.
Learn how resilience, hope and optimism interact and affect one another.
In this 2-day interactive Resilience Workshop, participants will learn to build their Resilience Muscles through identifying their strengths, social support networks, sources of positive emotions and previous experiences of resilience.
On completion of the workshop, students will:
• Learn about different resilience models and techniques – deliberate actions that people undertake to support themselves before, during and after challenging situations.
• Understand more about the various variables that impact resilience, like a sense of control, perceived size of the challenge, competence/efficacy, and knowing when to seek help.
Join the session to improve your coping strategies during crises and improve your ability to make good decisions even under stressful environments!
In our brand-new chapter of Simply Better Sessions, Jade Seah, Positive Psychology Practitioner and Stephen Lew, Positive Psychology Coach will explore with participants how we can effectively Learn the art of saying NO.
How can we reject others without feeling guilty? Sometimes, saying “no” to people and opportunities may seem like such a difficult task. Instead of rejecting directly and politely, some of us may feel guilty, overcompensating with unnecessary justifications and white lies as to why we have to turn down an offer.
How exactly can we be assertive without appearing aggressive? Are there moments where saying “No” is inappropriate?
A collaboration between The School of Positive Psychology and Wonder & Wellness, Simply Better Sessions is a monthly series of intimate workshops aimed at boosting the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
Just as a healthy body keeps physical illnesses away, having a healthy mind helps you to manage stress and stay focused on achieving your goals. Do you want to cultivate mental fitness to face challenges with strength?
Join us as we explore more about mental wellbeing and the beneficial mental practices you can incorporate into daily life to develop mental fitness.
At this complimentary talk, you will:
• Learn the 3 Rs to recharge and take control of your wellbeing
• Gain a deeper understanding of factors that affect our resilience
• Discover Positive Psychology insights for your mental health
Having strong social networks not only helps with increasing our current resilience levels, but it also builds resources that we can use in the future. Reliable social connections are the strongest indicators of our wellbeing and flourishing. In recognising the importance of quality connections, The School of Positive Psychology has initiated Stronger Together, a wellbeing networking session held every third Thursday of the month for likeminded individuals.
This month, our discussion will revolve around Breaking and Building Habits. The complimentary session will combine elements of a workshop, discussion forum, and positive psychology interventions. Through identifying common difficulties, we will then share different strategies to generate even better ways to thrive.
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