5th World Education Frontiers Forum: Integrating PERMAH into the School’s Curriculum and Co-curriculum

5th World Education Frontiers Forum: Integrating PERMAH into the School’s Curriculum and Co-curriculum

February 21, 2023

SPEN is proud to have participated in the Positive Psychology and Education Roundtable of the 5th World Education Frontiers Forum held in January 2023.  The Forum is organised annually by the China Education 30 Forum, a highly esteemed organization.  Principal of Anglican High School, Mr Khoo Tse Horng (辜泽鸿) shared in Chinese Martin Seligman’s PERMA model and how the principles can be integrated into a school’s mission, vision, core values and character and citizenship education framework. About 50,000 educators viewed while it was livestreamed and by the following day, about 2.3 million had viewed the replay of the conference. Below is the summary of Tse Horng’s presentation in English and the transcript in Chinese.

The result of positive education is best seen in the students.  One of the most lasting impacts on me was meeting a student who told me that he loves Anglican High, although he does not know why. He shared that while it has been stressful studying for the national examinations, he still loves the school. My take is that when Positive Education is implemented well, it engages the whole person and enhances students’ engagement, both cognitive and emotional, with the school.

Positive education supports our school’s vision of “Every AHS Student A Leader”. Our tagline is “learning honourably, learning for life, and creating value for others”. The school is not just a learning institution focused on academic achievement. It is a place where we learn to create value for others. With Positive Education, we help each student to be a leader. We use PERMAH as a framework and this holistically includes health, as studies have shown that a healthy lifestyle such as exercises and enough sleep contributes to the total well-being of a person.

As school is often bombarded with many demands, for PERMAH to work and for teachers to find it manageable, we had to take an integrated approach.  PERMAH is built into the curriculum and co-curriculum.  We also adopt the mantra of “start it right” for each term and each day.  

For “start it right”, we have Camp Engage at the start of the year for students to form relationships with each other and with the teachers.  It allows them to reflect on their purpose.  Teachers support positive emotion by meeting students one-to-one to know them personally and addressing their emotional and social needs.  The deployment of two form teachers helps. The use of morning devotion to connect students to their emotion, purpose and meaning also contribute to “start it right”.

In terms of integration with the curriculum, one example is the use of issue investigation in Social Studies. Through a programme called ACTsperience which incorporates critical thinking, design thinking and inquiry-based learning, we enable students to find meaning in their projects and at the same time, connect with the larger purpose of creating value for others.  By investigating an issue, students also form relationships with their peers and the people whom they are finding solutions for, in social issues and challenges.  

As one important and critical link is teachers, the school also applies PERMAH for our teachers through their participation in crafting the school’s vision and strategic direction.  This works towards teachers being able to find meaning and purpose in their work.  Our staff well-being committee also organizes activities and learning opportunities for teachers to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Through such efforts, our teachers know that their well-being is important to us.





刚刚几位专家提到了正向教育里的PERMA框架或元素,我们融入了身心健康(health),所以是PERMAH。因为德智‘体’里,我们很注重身心健康。由这个家引领我们看学校办学,注重和贯彻正向教育。(PERMAH 的六个元素是正向情绪、全情投入、良好关系、意义人生、成就感和身心快乐)


学校于正向教育做了很多。因为时间有限,我将着重两方面:1)把PERMAH融入学校课程的历程,和2)正如‘千里之行,始于足下‘一样,如何让学生有一个好的开始。学校一个星期有五天,时间有限,所以最好的做法是采用的适当的’融入 、结合‘ (integration)。在做某些事时或学校活动,把不同的PERMAH元素融入的话,就可以做得很成功。因为老师们在重复里得到学习,学生也在重复里更能实践正向教育的硕果。



另外一个方法,就是如何把PERMAH融入课程,在我们的正规课程里,新加坡有社会科,是每个学生都要修读的。社会科会谈到一些社会课题,我们借这机会把PERMAH 里的全情投入、意义人生和成就感融入在内。孩子们在研究小组专题作业里,会看到社会的问题。再用设计思维和批判性思维,提出一个解决方案。希望通过这个做法,我们让孩子们有一个正向理念,看到无限的可能性,从而达到PERHAM里的全情投入、意义人生和成就感。这也达到学校愿景 - 共造福祉的心志。









辜泽鸿:我最近读了一篇文章提到学者James Cascio 提到现在世界处于BANI状态。 BANI是Brittle(脆弱)、Anxiety (恐慌、忧郁)、Non-linear(非线性的)、Incomprehensible(不可理解)。经过疫情,我们认识到人的生命很脆弱。气候的变化,也让我们知道地球很脆弱。整个疫情提醒我们人的脆弱、地球的脆弱。这也使我们感到恐慌和忧郁。另外世界许多事件是非线性的,可能是往前走三步,往后退两步。整个世界的价值观变化,也让我们很难理解。当我读这篇文章时,觉得正向教育在这个时候更重要了。因为我们要给孩子、老师、国家一个盼望、一个希望。而刚才吴老师讲的resilience, 坚韧性很重要,要跟孩子们说,碰到挑战时,如何正向面对它,在我可控的范围内,要积极地采取主动。所以教育接下来要做的事,就是给现代人一个盼望,一个鼓励,要走下去。


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